Vortrag: Christopher Fletcher: Were kings like other men? Manhood and political leadership in the later middle ages, 09.12.2011, Mainz

Forschungskolloquium „Body-Concepts and Emotions“, Forschungsschwerpunkt Historische Kulturwissenschaften, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Zeit: 09.12.2011, 15-18 Uhr Ort: Universität Mainz, Philosophicum/Fakultätssaal Late medieval English kings operated in an increasingly public political society. Monarchs found it expedient to persuade their people of the rectitude of their policies, and the English public found ways to express their opinions, from petitioning to gossip … Vortrag: Christopher Fletcher: Were kings like other men? Manhood and political leadership in the later middle ages, 09.12.2011, Mainz weiterlesen